One who has ideas or conceives projects regarded as impractical. Visionary.
True dreamers don’t sleep.
If a dream burns inside,
It is like a flame you must tend.
The dream is intoxicating.
It’s light draw other near.
It is wild but fragile.
You live for it everyday.
You must not lose sight of it.
You may lose sleep.
This is Amy’s story. What is yours?
Our story would be incomplete without the part about giving back.
When Amy was a Junior at Avon Lake High School in Ohio she entered the Scholastic Art county wide competition with several pieces of art. She came in 16th place in the county. When she entered her senior year, she came in 1st. With disbelief she was handed her awards and looked at her mystified parents in the audience and it solidified her choice to pursue art in college.
When Amy attended Bowling Green State University in Ohio, her parents asked her to double major in Fine Art and Art Education. Begrudgingly, she did not sleep for four years. She would stay up all night work to work on her senior art show, and then get up at 6am to student teach an hour away from the college. Her senior year she won the Tom Hilty Drawing Scholarship and the Two Dimensional Art Award over the 2000 other Fine Art students. When she won these over the the students that were ONLY Fine Arts Majors, she had never been more proud, something clicked inside, and she thought she might have what it takes to truly make it as an artist.
It changed everything for her. So she decided to pursue her dream of actually becoming a working artist, instead of working so hard on the backup plan.
Ten years later, as soon as she could afford to, she return the favor by starting Ringholz Art Supply Awards. By being young and alive and currently in the career of making art she hoped that she could provide more to each winner. Not only is it financially helpful to afford expensive art supplies, but more importantly, its proof that someone out there believes that you have the talent and gusto to do this.
And with all the happiness and gratitude on both ends, the circle completes.